If you are planning to avoid the section of track between Whakapapa Village and Mangatepopo our Shuttle provides a service to or from Mangatepopo Carpark back to Whakapapa Village.

Schedule times maybe adjusted depending on availability.

Due to low passenger demand and increased fuel costs this Shuttle operates as a rideshare with minimum cost to operate set to 3 passengers and then per person.  
* Exclusion to the minimum if this works with other shedules in the area. Please call for availabilty and time.

Bad weather option avoiding Red Crater through Ketetahi or Waihohunu maybe serviced for an additional cost or transfered to another day.

Note this is one way not return

A late service charge or wait time may be applied at $10 per 15 minutes waiting in the event you miss the arranged pick up time or additional mileage rate of $3.80 per km should driver need to come back.


mangatepopo hut,

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